The Student Success Academy
In the fall of 2019, Barton began participation in the Higher Learning Commission’s Student Success Academy. The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Barton’s accrediting agency, describes the academies as “programs aimed at assisting…institutions to define, develop and implement comprehensive strategies for institutional improvement.” The Student Success Academy specifically is a three year structured project “designed for institutions seeking to establish sustainable structures that support students’ achievement of their higher education goals.”
The Student Success Academy’s work is designed to relate to and support the institution’s focus on retention, persistence, and completion. This work will be completed by the newly formed Student Success Alliance in alignment with Barton’s Core Priorities and Board of Trustees ENDS.
The Student Success Alliance
The Student Success Alliance, a newly chartered institutional team, will support the success of students at Barton Community College through the coordination of data-driven processes. Multiple subcommittees within the Alliance will be tasked with specific functions in support of the Student Success Plan: data reviews, data summits, and program review processes. Future tasks or subcommittees will be created based on the support needs of students identified through the Alliance’s ongoing review of clearly defined success metrics. The membership is constructed of faculty, staff, and administration across all campuses of the institution and leadership will be provided by a three-person team representing Instruction, Student Services, and Institutional Effectiveness. The Alliance will meet on the first Thursday of the month at 4 pm. For more information, contact StudentSuccessAlliance@bartonccc.edu (link sends email).
Environmental Scan
The initial phase of the Academy focused on a comprehensive environmental scan consisting of four inventories: The Data Inventory, The Initiatives Inventory, The Infrastructure Inventory, and the Engagement Inventory.
Student Success Plan
Data gathered from all four inventories were presented in various visual formats (color coded lists, charts, etc.) in a working “war room” to give the Academy Team the opportunity to look for, consider, and discuss connections between the inventory results and gaps identified through the inventories in a more holistic way. This inductive process allowed the team to triangulate data from multiple initiatives to develop themes for use in the Student Success Plan.
The Student Success Plan Executive Summary and recommendations identifies the four themes that emerged following analysis of the environmental scan data. Those themes are data analysis, systematic processes, comprehensive campus support, and holistic care for student populations. The summary also makes recommendations for four actions that, over the next three years, will create the foundation for sustained focus on supporting the success of Barton Community College students going forward. Implementation of these recommendations will move Barton toward the realization of five-year retention and completion goals.