The Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Barton Community College produces and assembles data to usable and readable formats, provides data analysis, and leads strategic planning for the college.
Public Information Requests
Requests for records under the Kansas Open Records Act should be directed to Barton’s Public Information Officer at publicrelations@bartonccc.edu.
The main data dashboard provided by the office is the KPI Metrics Dashboard.
This dashboard contains multiple pages of both live and static data. At the top of most pages is a fuel gauge quickly giving the user an overview of where the college is in achieving this year's goals.
Data reflected on this site and displayed on reports created by the IR department might seem to be inaccurate when compared. Actually this is not the case of one being "right" and one being "wrong" but, because the data sets have different criteria, sources, purposes, time frames, and coverage the data will sometimes differ.
Institutional Effectiveness Staff
Barton Community College's Institutional Effectiveness Staff is listed below.
Lora Zink
Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator
(620) 792-9303
Angel Morgan
Data Assurance Specialist
(620) 792-9386
morgana@bartonccc.eduJose Palacios
Institutional Research Coordinator
(620) 792-2143
palaciosj@bartonccc.eduJeff Mills
Chief Institutional Research Analyst
(620) 792-7721
millsj@bartonccc.eduTodd Mobray
Director of Institutional Effectiveness
(620) 792-9245