When you are paying for your education there are several kinds of financial aid that you should consider. As a participating school in Title IV Federal Aid programs Barton Community College is able to offer our qualifying students federal grants, loans and work study jobs. In addition to Federal Financial Aid, Barton offers scholarships for numerous activities, sports and academic accomplishments to help make your education with us as affordable as possible!
Title IV Federal Financial Aid Programs
Title IV Federal Financial Aid Programs include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Loans, and Federal Work Study.
Barton Scholarships
Barton Scholarships are awards that can be received for academic merit, athletic and departmental involvement, financial need and more. The awards offered through Barton Community College include Academic Scholarship, Foundation Scholarships, Activity and Departmental Awards, Boost Scholarships, Special Scholarships, and Employee Scholarships.
Kansas State Scholarships
Kansas State Scholarships include the Kansas Promise Scholarship, Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship, Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship, Kansas Military Service Scholarship, Kansas State Scholarship, and Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship. These award opportunities are offered through The Kansas Board of Regents (link sends email).
Other Sources of Aid
Other Sources of Aid include Community Scholarship information, Scholarship Searches, Alternative Student Loans, and Tax Credit information.