View the scheduled Board Meetings and Study Sessions below. Please note, documents for future Board Study Sessions and Meetings listed will return a broken link until the document becomes available. Study Sessions are planned for the 2nd Tuesday and the Board meetings the 4th Tuesday of each month, except when noted. The board schedule is subject to change. Minutes are available through the links in the board meeting agendas.
2024-2025 Meetings and Study Sessions
Board Meetings 2023-2024
Board Meetings 2022-2023
Board Meetings 2021-2022
Board Meetings 2020-2021
Board Meetings 2019-2020
Board Meetings 2018-2019
Board Meetings 2017-2018
Board Meetings 2016-2017
Board Meetings 2015-2016
Board Meetings 2014-2015
Board Meetings 2013-2014
Board Meetings 2012-2013
Board Meetings 2011-2012
Board Meetings 2010-2011
Board Meetings 2009-2010
Board Meetings 2008-2009
Board Meetings 2007-2008
Board Meetings 2006-2007
Board Meetings 2005-2006
Board Meetings 2004-2005
Board Meetings 2003-2004