Barton accepts transfer credit earned at regionally and nationally accredited colleges in the United States. Transfer credits will be accepted from colleges and universities starting from the year they are accredited or hold candidacy status with their accrediting agencies. Non-accredited institutions are subject for review by the Registrar.
Foreign transcripts must be translated to English. For any questions regarding the receipt of foreign transcripts contact the Barton Registrar.
All transfer credit will be equated on the semester-hour system. Lower division (freshman and sophomore level) credits earned with a D grade or higher will be calculated in the students’ cumulative grade point average (GPA) and articulated as equivalent Barton courses. Quality points and grade points will be transferred from other colleges and universities and will be averaged into the cumulative GPA. Transfer credit entered on any student's Barton academic history cannot be removed. Check your MyBarton Portal regularly to review your transfer course credit, especially if you have credit coming from multiple sources.
If you complete an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree based on a baccalaureate-oriented sequence at a state and regionally accredited Kansas public community college and your program of study has met the requirements of the Kansas Public Community College-Kansas Regents Transfer Agreement and Articulation Guide, you will be accepted with junior standing and will have satisfied the general education requirements of all Regents universities. Your advisor will have information on the agreement to help you plan your course schedule.
Credit for Prior Learning is a comprehensive term used to describe credit awarded for learning gained outside a traditional postsecondary academic environment. “Prior Learning Assessment” (PLA) is also used to describe CPL. CPL involves the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s learning obtained through activities such as working, participating in employer training programs, serving in the military, studying independently, completing advanced secondary level coursework, studying open source coursework, volunteering or doing community service. CPL may take the form of postsecondary credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training. Postsecondary level credit is the optimal outcome.
The Kansas Board of Regents advocates appropriate use of CPL for its benefits to students, institutions, and the state. CPL recognizes the credit-worthy education and training that takes place outside of traditional educational pathways and offers students the opportunity to apply that training and education toward obtaining a postsecondary credential.
All CPL credit awarded at Barton is not guaranteed transferability to any other institution.
Barton offers the following CPL credit:
- Credit by Examination - The intent of credit by examination is to offer a method for students to demonstrate previously mastered competencies and to assist students in completion of the educational goals. Credit earned will be placed on the student’s academic transcript at Barton. A student must request official College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Cambridge International (CI) score reports and submit to the Enrollment Services Office. As of July 1, 2017 and in accordance with Kansas Board of Regents institutions, Barton will award credit for the equivalent Barton course(s), for all CLEP exam scores at or above the American Council of Education’s (ACE) credit-granting recommended score of fifty (50).
- Credit for Military Training - Students in the military can request to have their military experiences and training evaluated by providing the school a Joint Service Transcript (JST). Students can request to have JST forwarded to Barton for evaluation. Please note, before an evaluation can be completed, the student must have passed at least one course with Barton. Military students will also need the following documents: most up-to-date copy of student’s Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) or DD214 (for individuals who are no longer in the military). Students can also bring any applicable certificates that they would like to be evaluated for college credit that are not listed on their JST or ERB. Soldiers can request to have their military evaluation re-evaluated once every six months.
- Credit for Military Alignment – Collaborative on Military Credit has been working to evaluate and award credit for military training. Refer to the Kansas Board of Regents website kansasregents.org for additional information.
- Industry/Workplace Credit - Credit from seminars and certificates of completion will be evaluated only upon student request and only if the student is a degree-seeking student and majoring in the field to which the credit pertains. Students submits the certificates and/or documentation to the appropriate Program Director for review. This can include certifications and professional licensure.
- Apprenticeship – A combination of on the-job training and related technical instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation. Apprenticeship programs may be sponsored by individual employers, joint employer and labor groups, and/or employer associations
- Portfolio Review - Postsecondary credit is awarded as a result of review of a portfolio prepared by the student to demonstrate learning acquired outside of the classroom and that is relevant to the student’s educational program. A portfolio may include documentation such as certificates of training, work samples, awards and honors, job descriptions, performance evaluations, samples of work product, evidence of self-directed learning, and resumes to validate equivalent learning outcomes are met. A portfolio course may be offered by the institution to assist the student in preparing a quality portfolio
- Career Pathway - Organized groupings of rigorous academic and career related secondary courses taught by secondary faculty, leading from education to employment, that identify each step, skill, educational requirement and aptitude needed to be successful within a specific career. Post-secondary credit is awarded based on faculty evaluation (at post-secondary level) of the secondary course or group of courses whose outcomes are considered equivalent to those of a post-secondary level course. (The process usually results in articulation agreements between a secondary and a post-secondary institution.
- Foreign College Credit – Students requesting foreign credit are required to submit an official course-by-course evaluation of the credit. Barton recommends using www.wes.org for the evaluation. Credit is awarded for lower division courses that are equivalent to a Barton course only.
CPL Requirements:
- CPL credit must be equivalent to Barton Community College courses and apply to the degree sought.
- Courses recorded as CPL credit do not count towards the required Barton residency 15 hours.
- CPL credit is recorded as a grade of “P” for Pass credit and will not count in the grade point calculations.
- CPL credit cannot be used to meet the enrollment requirement for federally funded financial aid programs.
- CPL credit is limited to 30 credit hours with the exception for military credit and/or alignment
Students in the military can request to have their military experiences and training evaluated by providing the school a Joint Service Transcript (JST). Students can request to have JST forwarded to Barton for evaluation. Please note, before an evaluation can be completed, the student must have passed at least one course with Barton.
Military students will also need the following documents: most up-to-date copy of student’s Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) or DD214 (for individuals who are no longer in the military). Students can also bring any applicable certificates that they would like to be evaluated for college credit that are not listed on their JST or ERB.
Soldiers can request to have their military evaluation re-evaluated once every six months. This process is called an Addendum. Soldiers need to bring the following documents for re-evaluation:
- An updated JST Transcript
- An updated ERB
- Certificates for newly completed courses
Soldiers needing a transcript from the results of the evaluation (i.e. for military promotion points) must follow the procedures outlined on the Transcript Request webpage. Please allow approximately 7-10 business days for evaluation of your credits before requesting your transcript.
Barton Community College's faculty have reviewed the recommendations of the Commission of Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education (ACE) in awarding credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations and Defense Activity for Non Traditional Education Support (DANTES) examinations and have established the approved course and credit Barton equivalencies. Students are able to obtain this list by contacting their advisor or the Advisement Center and are required to send their test scores to the Registrar at the College. After evaluation, the student will receive notification of credit awarded by the Enrollment Services Office. As of July 1, 2017 and in accordance with Kansas Board of Regents institutions, Barton will award credit for the equivalent Barton course(s), for all CLEP exam scores at or above the American Council of Education’s (ACE) credit-granting recommended score of fifty (50).
Please Note: Students in allied health programs must check with the director of their program to determine if a particular CLEP or DANTES examination may be accepted in their program or if the course must be taken in a classroom setting.
Barton Community College recognizes and awards credits for the following examination exams and scores:
CLEP - College Level Examination Program
Exams given to students to assist in working towards their degrees typical of the first two years of college study
CLEP Tests - Barton Equivalency Course List
AP - College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB-AP)
Advanced placement exams for high school students.
Advanced Placement Tests - Barton Equivalency Course List
IB - International Baccalaureate exams
Credit given for exam scores at or above a score of 4 upon receipt of an official score report.
CI - Cambridge International
Exam scores of E or above on Advanced Levels (A Levels) exams and e or above on Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Levels) exams. Exams are usual taken within the first years of high school.
Statewide Articulation Agreements are created to enable Kansas High School Graduates to have a smooth transition from their high school Career & Technical Education Pathway to the corresponding Occupational Program at the postsecondary level.
Any Kansas high school graduate who meets the requirements of an articulation agreement may utilize the agreement to obtain college credit, scholarships, tuition waivers, or other benefits as stated in each agreement.
Visit the Statewide Articulation Agreement webpage for more information.
The Kansas Board of Regents has approved a list of courses for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that he or she can transfer these courses to any public institution in Kansas.
Visit the Kansas Board of Regents webpage for more information.
Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for Reverse Transfer, which allows for the attainment of any associate degree for which one is eligible along the way to additional certificates and degrees. Within a student's first semester, those who transfer coursework from a public university, community college or technical college will be notified if they are eligible to be considered for reverse transfer degree status, and which courses are needed to finish the related degree. Students who then complete the coursework for a given associate degree will be eligible to receive that degree, administered automatically by correspondence between the new institution and the university, community college or technical college the student last attended.
Visit the Kansas Board of Regents Reverse Transfer webpage for more information.
Barton accepts credential evaluations from trusted evaluation services. For any questions, contact the Office of Enrollment Services.