Congratulations, graduates! See below for ceremony details and additional activities.
Check out Barton's respective campus Facebook pages or YouTube for live-streaming of the events! Links are below.
Barton County Campus Graduation Ceremony
May 9th, 2025
Gymnasium - Barton County Campus - Great Bend
7 p.m.
View the live stream of the ceremony beginning at 7 p.m. on Barton's YouTube and Facebook pages.
Barton County Campus Graduation Day Schedule
Medical Laboratory Technology Pinning Ceremony - May 9th, 2025; 10:00am in the Chapel (Fine Arts Building), with reception to follow immediately in F30. For more information, contact Karen Gunther at guntherka@bartonccc.edu.
Nursing Pinning Ceremony - May 9th, 2025; 2:30pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium. For more information, contact BartonNursing@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9357.
7 p.m.- 55th Annual Commencement, Barton Gymnasium
Fort Riley Campus Graduation Ceremony – Friday, May 16th at 11:00 a.m. at Riley's Community Center; (446 Seitz Dr., Fort Riley Kansas), Contact Megan Chambers via phone (785) 784-6606, ext. 709 or via email at chambersm@bartonccc.edu if you would like to participate or have additional questions.
View the live stream of the ceremony beginning (TBD) on Barton's YouTube and Facebook pages.
Fort Leavenworth Graduation Ceremony - Thursday, May 29th at 3:00pm in the Lewis and Clark Auditorium of Command General Staff College (CGSC); Contact Megan Chambers via phone (785) 784-6606, ext. 709 or via email: chambersm@bartonccc.edu if you would like to participate or have additional questions.
View the live stream of the ceremony beginning at 3 p.m. on Barton's Facebook page.
Barton County Campus Graduation Activities (Great Bend)
Medical Laboratory Technology Pinning – Associate Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology graduates are recognized for their achievement of eligibility to sit for the national certification exam and are awarded a MLT pin. Pinning will be held, May 9th 2025; 10:00am. Please contact Karen Gunther at guntherka@bartonccc.edu for more information.
Nurse Pinning – Associate Degree and Practical Nursing graduates recognized for their achievement of eligibility to sit for their national licensure exams and are awarded a nursing pin. Nursing Pinning Ceremony - May 9th, 2025; 2:30pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium. For more information, contact BartonNursing@bartonccc.edu or (620) 792-9357.
Barton County Campus Ceremony Information
Pre-Ceremony Instructions
- Cap/Gowns: May be picked up beginning Wednesday, April 16th - Friday, May 2nd, in the upper level of the Kirkman Building in the Enrollment Services Office from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Phi Theta: Members should pick up sashes from Nolan Esfeld, Angie Maddy, or Kelly Scott
- Graduation Announcements: Available for purchase online only at www.cbgrad.balfour.com
- Disability Seating will be on a first come, first served basis.
Graduation Night Instructions
Check-in information:
- Check in - lower level of Kirkman Building, 5:30 pm - Please do not bring any unnecessary items, i.e., purses, coats, etc.
- Prior to entering gym, you will be lining up by degree - College employees will assist with this task.
Graduation Procedure
- Processional - Order of March - stage group, graduates, and faculty
- Stand in front of chair and remain standing for Invocation and National Anthem - Men take off your caps during. You may sit after both have been completed.
- Vice President of Instruction will present the class and confer degrees.
- No photos allowed on the floor during the ceremony. Barton's Public Relations Department will take individual photos and they will be available to print free of charge.
- Honors and Highest Honors: Based upon cumulative GPA through the fall semester and if you transferred hours to Barton, those hours have been calculated into your GPA. Your final GPA and graduation status is contingent upon successful completion of your spring semester courses. The final results will post on your diploma and transcript. If you have received academic clemency for any grade, you are not eligible for honors. Students awarded certificates are not eligible for honors.
Honors = 3.5 to 3.69 GPA Highest = 3.7 to 4.0 GPA
Important: Participation in the ceremony is not a guarantee that you have graduated. You must complete all graduation requirements to be awarded your degree.
Post-Ceremony Information
Barton has partnered with Parchment to give you permanent access to a high-resolution digital copy of your diploma. Students will receive a text or email when your digital credential is available. A printed diploma is also being sent to the address you listed on your graduation application. Create or login to your Parchment account to trace delivery progress of your diploma. Please allow 15-20 business days to receive your printed diploma. If you would like the mailed diploma sent out of the country, contact Enrollment Services to receive additional cost information.
- Transcripts: Are not sent automatically, please request your transcript from the Request Transcript page. To ensure your transcript indicates degree comments, select "awaiting degree" on the request. Find more information on the Transcript Request page.