Key Performance Indicators are tracked at the institutional level with shared characteristics:
- KPI’s align with the Mission by tracking the progress of values that will fulfill our Vision.
- KPI’s align with the Core Priorities, defining what we will measure to determine success.
- KPI’s establish a history and timeframe for improvement documenting the effect of the Strategic Goal implementation.
- KPI’s meet or exceed external educational standards:
- Kansas Board of Regents’ “Building a Future” Strategic Plan: as part of the state’s system of higher education Barton must help move the needle on the state’s education and economic development objectives.
- The Higher Learning Commission’s “Open Pathways” accreditation follows a 10- year cycle and is focused on quality assurance and institutional improvement.
Academic Year (AY) – Fall-Spring-Summer (Example: AY 23 is Fall ‘22 – Spring ’23 – Summer ’23)
Fiscal Year (FY) – July 1st - June 30th (Example: FY 23 is July 1st, 2022 - June 30th, 2023)