Refund of Tuition and Fees
Students who officially withdraw from the College are entitled to a full refund of enrollment fees and tuition during the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters. No refund on tuition and/or fees is given after the second week of classes, and the student is responsible for the total tuition and fees incurred. The refund period for summer sessions is one week after classes start. Nonattendance does not constitute an official drop.
Students who are enrolled in classes which do not materialize will get full refund regardless of date. This refund policy is the same for the fall semester, spring semester, and/or summer session. The policy includes on-campus classes and outreach classes. Students who are suspended, dismissed, or withdraw due to academic integrity violations are not eligible for a Tuition/Fee/Housing refund for the term in with the violation occurs.
Refunds on mini-courses will vary according to start and end dates.
Refund Policy for Students Receiving Title IV Funds
If you are receiving Title IV funds, which include Federal Pell Grants, Federal SEOG grants and Federal Direct Student Loans, and you withdraw, officially or unofficially, prior to 60% completion of the semester, you may be required to repay a portion of the aid received. This may show on your student bill or it will be an amount reported to the federal government that must be repaid before you will be eligible for future aid.
Contact the Financial Aid office for additional information.
Tuition & Fee Waiver for Dependents of Veterans
KSA 73-1216, 73-1217 and 73-1218 provides that, "The board of trustees of every community college, the board of regents of Washburn University of Topeka, the board of control of every area vocational school and the governing body of every other institution of post-high school education which is supported by any state moneys shall provide for enrollment without charge of tuition or fees for any dependent of a prisoner of war, a person missing in action, or a dependent of a person who died as a result of a service-connected disability suffered during the Vietnam Conflict, so long as such dependent is eligible, but not to exceed twelve (12) semesters of instruction or the equivalent thereof at all such institutions for any person."
Tuition & Fee Waiver for Deceased Safety Officer Dependents
Effective July 1, 1996, individuals who were dependents of any Kansas firefighter or law enforcement officer who died as a result of injuries suffered in the line of duty will be allowed to enroll without charge of tuition or mandatory fees at any public institution of postsecondary education in the State of Kansas. (Kansas Senate Bill 325)
Waiver Guidelines
- Dependents include birth child, adopted child, stepchild or any child who was actually dependent in whole or in part of a public safety officer and those who are related to the public safety officer by marriage.
- The statute is not retroactive and will not provide a vehicle for recovery of tuition and fees paid prior to July 1, 1996. However, the death of the law enforcement officer/fire fighter could have occurred prior to July 1, 1996.
- The fees which are waived are those fees which all students must pay at the time of enrollment.
If you qualify, you must complete a form before the waiver is accepted. Forms may be obtained or additional questions answered by the Registrar or the Business Manager, BCCC, Kirkman Visitor Center, 620-792-9216, or 620-792-9319. Tuition & Fee Waiver for Dependents of Veterans.