Whether you are looking for a first career, a change in careers or a transitional career due to the loss of your current employment, we are interested in your future. We offer certificate programs, associate degrees, short-term classes, transfer options, adult education and GED testing. Continue reading below to get started, or contact the Division of Workforce Training & Community Education at (620) 786-1107 or kottask@bartonccc.edu.
WTCE Mission Statement
The Workforce Training & Community Education Division is dedicated to meeting regional and community workforce needs by serving students and employers with quality education and training opportunities.
Meet the WTCE Faculty and Staff
Baker, Chris |
Executive Director of Healthcare & Public Service |
(620) 792-9267 |
bakerc@bartonccc.edu |
Barr, Nicole |
Coordinator of Correctional Education |
(620) 792-9396 |
barrn@bartonccc.edu |
Bogner, Mark |
CNH Trainer |
(620) 792-9337 |
Bonnell, KellyAnn |
Instructor/Coordinator Early Childhood |
(620) 786-1130 |
Brauer, Kara |
Instructor - Nursing |
(620) 792-9353 |
brauerk@bartonccc.edu |
Collins, Allan |
BASICS Instructor - Ellsworth Correctional Facility |
NA |
Cowles, Emily |
Instructor/Coordinator - Dietary Manager Program |
(620) 786-7561 |
Dannebohm, Jon |
Technology Assistant |
(620) 792-9393 |
Demel, Hannah |
Instructor- Nursing | (620) 792-8356 | demelh@bartonccc.edu |
Dietz, Carla |
Coordinator of Adult Healthcare |
(620) 792-9298 |
Ellison, Anita |
Data Specialist |
(620) 786-7566 |
ellisona@bartonccc.edu |
Enstrom, Carla |
Secretary- Emergency Medical Support and Medical Laboratory Technology |
(620) 792-9341 |
enstromc@bartonccc.edu |
Fitzgerald, Sayde |
Instructor- Nursing |
(620) 786-7485 |
fitzgeraldh@bartonccc.edu |
Foley, Mary |
Executive Director of Agriculture & Industry Education |
(620) 792-9278 |
Frank, Keith |
Instructor/Coordinator- Natural Gas |
(620) 792-9381 |
frankk@bartonccc.edu |
Furrow, Renetta |
Secretary for Executive Director of Healthcare & Public Safety, Business, Technology & Community Education |
(620) 792-9358 |
Gale, Cristi |
Instructor/Coordinator - Information Technology |
(620) 786-1183 |
Galloway, Shawn |
Instructor- Welding |
(620) 786-7484 |
Gunther, Karen |
Director of Medical Laboratory Technology |
(620) 786-1133 |
guntherka@bartonccc.edu |
Hagerman, Kendra |
Instructor-Nursing | (620) 792-9292 | hagermank@bartonccc.edu |
Hartzell, Andrew |
Lead Instructor- Emergency Medical Services |
NA |
hartzella@bartonccc.edu |
Hazen, Samantha |
Instructor- Nursing |
NA |
Higbee, Logan |
Clinical Coordinator- Paramedic |
NA |
higbeel@bartonccc.edu |
Hill, Latoya |
Instructor/Coordinator - Pharmacy Technician |
(620) 786-7445 |
hilll@bartonccc.edu |
Holguin, Dianna |
Instructor-Nursing |
(620) 792-9264 |
holguind@bartonccc.edu |
Heier, Deanna |
Instructor-Business Computer Management |
(620) 786-1118 |
Knaple, Judith |
Instructor- Adult Healthcare |
(620) 786-1152 |
Kottas, Kathy |
Dean of Workforce Training & Community Education |
(620) 786-1107 |
Kultgen, Danielle |
Administrative Assistant-Workforce Training and Community Education |
(620) 786-1108 |
kultgend@bartonccc.edu |
Ladd, Jennifer |
EMS Programming Specialist |
(620) 786-1110 |
Larmer, Nick |
Director of Emergency Services Education |
(620) 792-9347 |
larmern@bartonccc.edu |
Lawson, Jill |
Instructor - Nursing |
(620) 792-9350 |
Libal, Jeanette |
Career Advisor |
NA |
libalj@bartonccc.edu |
Little, Karly |
Director of Early College Opportunities |
(620) 792-9294 |
Martin, Victor |
Instructor/Coordinator - Agriculture |
(620) 792-9207 |
Mason, Kristi |
Instructional Specialist -ABE/GED |
(620) 786-7561 |
masonk@bartonccc.edu |
Mazouch, Matt |
Instructor - Carpentry |
(620) 792-9287 |
mazouchm@bartonccc.edu |
McKennon, Heidi |
Instructor/Coordinator- Nursing |
(620) 786-7408 |
mckennonh@bartonccc.edu |
McKiearnan, Tim |
Instructor/Coordinator- Commercial Drivers License |
(620) 786-7487 |
mckiearnant@bartonccc.edu |
Meyer, Jeff |
Instructor-Plumbing |
(620) 792-9338 |
meyerj@bartonccc.edu |
Owen, Gina |
Support & Testing Specialist |
(620) 786-7556 |
oweng@bartonccc.edu |
Rivas, Christian |
Instructor/Coordinator- Criminal Justice |
(620) 792-9299 |
rivasc@bartonccc.edu |
Seitz, Luke |
Instructional Specialist - Ellsworth Correctional Facility |
(620)472-6311 |
Skelton, Renae |
Director of Nursing Education |
(620) 792-9355 |
skeltonr@bartonccc.edu |
Sill, Kaitlin |
Instructor - Accounting |
(620) 786-1187 |
sillk@bartonccc.edu |
Smith, Cathy |
Instructor/Coordinator - Medical Support Programs |
(620) 792-9326 |
smithc@bartonccc.edu |
Snodgrass, Joshua |
Instructor - Welding |
NA |
snodgrassj@bartonccc.edu |
Steinert, Jennifer |
Instructor - Business |
(620) 792-9203 |
steinertj@bartonccc.edu |
Streit, Jacob |
Instructor/Coordinator - Welding |
(620) 792-9325 |
streitj@bartonccc.edu |
Thompson, Andrea |
Instructor-Medical Laboratory Technology |
(620) 786-1113 |
thompsona@bartonccc.edu |
Thompson, Dustin |
Instructor/Coordinator Ag Mechanics- Top Tech |
(620) 796-4853 |
thompsond@bartonccc.edu |
Tracy, Maggie |
Instructor - Agriculture |
(620) 786-1120 |
tracym@bartonccc.edu |
Tusten, Jennifer |
Administrative Assistant for Nursing and Adult Healthcare |
(620) 792-9266 |
tustenj@bartonccc.edu |
Walter, Kimberly |
Instructional Specialist |
NA |
walterk@bartonccc.edu |
Winkler, Josh |
Executive Director of Business, Technology and Workforce Development |
(620) 792-9332 |
Yellowwolf, Tana |
Instructor-Nursing |
(620) 792-9351 |
yellowwolft@baronccc.edu |