What is an Access Code?
An access code is a one-time password that is used to access course materials online. The content you access depends on the course, but can include things such as an e-book, practice exam questions, interactive videos to help you understand course concepts, and course assignments.
Can Access Codes be Purchased Separately from the Bookstore?
This depends on the instructor's requirements for the course. Some courses may require a textbook that includes the access code and other courses may only require an access code that is used as an e-book. Used textbooks including an access code are only sold if the code has not been accessed.
How Long Can I Use my Access Code and, is it Good for More Than One Course?
Your access code is only for a specific course and text. Access generally lasts for a duration of between 6 months to 2 years.
Can my Access Code be Returned or Sold Back to the Bookstore?
Once the access code has been used it cannot be returned or used by another student. Unused access codes can only be returned for a refund if they adhere to the guidelines set out in the Return Policy of the Bookstore.
Can the Access Code be Shared with a Friend?
Each student must have their own access code.