September 3, 2019
Story by Sara Oberle and Joe Vinduska
Barton Community Colleges is calling all alumni of its vocal music group, the Hilltop Singers, to participate in a reunion and concert as part of the college’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Barton County Campus. Former singers and family members are invited to return to campus for a special day filled with activities for the entire family from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Rehearsals for those planning to sing will begin at 1 p.m. in the auditorium under the direction of former faculty Ken Shaheen, Lori (Johnson) Persigehl and Vern Fryberger. The alumni choir will prepare three musical selections and perform with the current Hilltop Singers group as part of the Fine Arts departmental concert concluding the day’s festivities. The concert will be held at 3 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium and is open to the public. In addition to the Alumni Choir, the concert will also feature presentations by the Barton Jazz Ensemble, Barton Fine Arts Program, Barton Dance Theatre, and Barton Theatre. A free-will donation will be accepted at the door. Following the concert, the Barton Foundation will sponsor a meet-and-greet reception in the Shafer Gallery from 4:15 to 5:30 pm for Hilltop Singers Alumni and their families.
Reservations for the reunion and complimentary reception are required by Sept. 12. Upon registration, music and additional information will be sent to participating singers. Registration may be completed online at Barton Community College’s 50th Anniversary webpage at bartonccc.edu/50 or via the BCCC Hilltop Singers Facebook group. Registration by mail is also available by calling (620) 792-9391. For more information, please contact Director of Choral Activities Sara Oberle at (620) 792-9395.