Talk to your Advisor about your options to transfer courses to or from Barton!
Course Transfer
The Kansas Board of Regents has a multitude of courses approved for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions. A student who completes these courses at any Kansas public community college, technical college, or university can be certain that these courses will transfer to any other public institution in Kansas, in pursuit of a degree or credential.
Visit the Kansas Board of Regents Course Transfer webpage for more information.
Reverse Transfer
Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for Reverse Transfer, which allows for the attainment of any associate degree for which one is eligible along the way to additional certificates and degrees. Within a student's first semester, those who transfer coursework from a public university, community college or technical college will be notified if they are eligible to be considered for reverse transfer degree status, and which courses are needed to finish the related degree. Students who then complete the coursework for a given associate degree will be eligible to receive that degree, administered automatically by correspondence between the new institution and the university, community college or technical college the student last attended.
Visit the Kansas Board of Regents Reverse Transfer webpage for more information.
Check out Barton's Transfer webpage for more information.