Student Consumer information is information that Barton is required to make available to all enrolled students on an annual basis. Enrolled students will receive notification of the availability of this information via their Cougar email address. The Financial Aid Office may be contacted with questions regarding the information below during normal business hours.
General Institutional Information:
- Accreditation Information - Information on Barton's accreditation entities.
- Admissions Policies and Requirements - Explanation of Barton’s admissions policies, including student types, graduation requirements, and special admission programs.
- Athletic Disclosures - Barton’s Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Report includes participation rates, financial support, and other information on both men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic programs.
- Barton Mission and Vision - Barton’s institutional vision and mission statements that direct all parts of college operations.
- Constitution Day and Citizenship Day - Information regarding how Barton recognizes Constitution and Citizenship Day with its students, faculty, and staff.
- Net Price Calculator - This tool is delivered in compliance with Federal Regulations and can help students determine the overall cost (not direct cost) of attending Barton for one academic year.
- Services and Facilities for Students with Disabilities - Information regarding services Barton provides to students with physical or learning disabilities in order to promote equal educational opportunities.
- Student Activities - Information about student activities offered by Barton
- Student Concerns Procedure - An outline of the various resolution, complaint, and feedback systems available to our students.
- Student Diversity -Information regarding the makeup of Barton’s diverse student body
- Students' Rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Information regarding Barton’s policies established to protect student information and student privacy.
- Tuition and Fees Information - General cost per credit hour for various course delivery methods and various student distinctions.
- Voter Registration Information - Instructions students can follow to register to vote.
Academic Information:
- Academic Areas of Interest - A complete listing of all areas of interest offered at Barton.
- Academic Warning Process - Requirements to meet the required academic and progress performance standards at Barton Community College.
- Adult Basic Education Programs - Services offered through Barton’s Center for Adult Education including GED classes and GED testing.
- Barton’s Campuses - A list of the campuses used by Barton to deliver programs.
- College Directories - Employee directories, organizational charts and directories of institutional departments.
- Institutional Accreditation - Information regarding Barton’s Institutional Accreditation and specific program accreditation.
- Programs of Study - A list of degrees and certificates offered at Barton.
- Transfer Credit Policies - Policies relevant to the transfer of credit hours to Barton from other institutions.
- Textbook Information - A complete list of textbooks required for Barton courses including price and ISBN information.
Student Financial Aid Information:
- Alternative Loan Code of Conduct - Expectations for Barton Financial Aid staff members to adhere to with regard to private lenders and alternative student loans.
- Applying for Financial Aid - Step-by-step guide to completing the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) process with Barton.
- Cost of Attendance and Additional Program Costs - An estimate of the total expenses for a student attending Barton Community College. The total figure includes tuition and fees, room and board (dorm and meal plan costs for an on campus student, or housing and food allowances for an off campus student), books, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.
- Eligibility - Eligibility requirements for students to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid.
- Financial Aid Disbursement - Explanation of how Federal and other student aid is disbursed and distributed to students.
- Financial Aid Employee Code of Conduct - Expectations for Barton Financial Aid staff members to adhere to in the administration all types of financial aid.
- Refund and Return to Title IV Policies - Procedures that Barton must follow when students fail to complete 100% of their enrolled coursework within a semester.
- Rights and Responsibilities of Students Receiving Aid - Information pertinent to students receiving aid to understand their responsibilities for maintaining their eligibility and their rights to information regarding their aid.
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy - Policy regarding the standard of academic achievement that must be maintained to remain eligible for financial aid.
- Student Employment and Federal Work Study - Information about student employment opportunities and payment rates.
- Student Loan Information - Pertinent information for student loan borrowers regarding student loan requirements, types of federal student loans and annual interest rates.
- Types of Financial Aid - Description of aid administered by Barton’s Financial Aid Office.
Health and Safety Information:
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report - Information regarding student safety and crimes reported on Barton’s campuses and Annual fire safety reports. (In compliance with the Clery Act)
- Counseling Resources - Services available to help students with personal issues or academic concerns.
- Drug Free Environment - Barton's policy on maintaining an alcohol and drug-free environment; policies for drug violations; annual notification to employees; annual notification to students and link to Biennial Review.
- Emergency Procedures and Resources - Barton’s emergency operations plan.
- Missing Persons Policies - Policies and procedures to be followed by Barton Community College employees in the event that any person from campus is believed to be missing.
- Sex Offender Information - Kansas Bill of Rights for Victims of Crime.
- Vaccination Policies - Information regarding any recommendations and requirements for student vaccinations.
Student Outcomes:
- Graduate Employment Status - Information regarding Barton graduates and their employment in fields relevant to the certificate or degree they earned at Barton.
- Graduation and Completion Rates - Annual report of student graduates and students retained.
- Graduation Rate of Student Athletes - Average graduation rates of students who have received athletically related student aid.
- Retention Rates - Annual report of student retention rates.
- Student Completion Statistics - College Navigator - Statistical information regarding students attending Barton Community college provided via College Navigator.
Institutional Policies:
- Civil Rights Equity Resolution Policy - Affirmation of Barton’s commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational enterprise.
- Copyright Infringement Policies - Statement of the legal use of copyrighted material and file sharing at Barton Community College.
- Nondiscrimination Policy - Barton’s policy of nondiscrimination and inquiry procedures.
- Whistle Blower Policies - Barton’s policy with regard to Whistleblowers and the reporting process in the event of known illegal or dishonest fraudulent activity.