Strategic Planning Framework
The Strategic Planning Framework is the context within which Barton Community College operates to achieve its Mission and Vision. This framework is the foundation of a strategic management approach in which Barton’s leadership team takes responsibility for:
- Driving Student Success by tracking progress and improving teaching and learning.
- Cultivating Community Engagement by fostering and recognizing the value of partnership with community members and businesses.
- Optimizing the Barton Experience for students, the community, and employees by initiating dialogue and feedback opportunities.
- Emphasizing Institutional Effectiveness by defining data and resources critical to planning strategically for the college’s current and future goals.
The decisions guided by this framework lead to continuous improvement of Barton’s student services, instructional programs, community enrichment, and operations. In this model, planners at all levels use the framework as shared vision, mission, standards, data, and goals to evaluate and create departmental strategic plans. College leadership then allocates resources to support ongoing and future operations and projects essential to improving overall effectiveness.