The Business Office is located in the Kirkman Building on the Barton County campus. Please see below in the Contact area for phone numbers and hours of operation. The Business Office provides the following services:
Paying for College
Student Financial Responsibility Statement
We accept many options to pay for college. Learn more about available options on the Pay the College webpage.
Financial Aid Refunds
If your financial aid exceeds your Barton account balance, the difference will be issued to you as a refund for you to use for educational expenses. Barton Community College offers two options to receive refunds. Refunds are defaulted as a paper check so if you decide on this option please make sure your contact information is up to date in the MyBarton Portal. Barton recommends students sign up for direct deposit in the MyBarton Portal > Student Financial Center – My Account because it is the safest and fastest way to receive your refund. Please visit the Receiving Financial Aid webpage and Disbursement Policy section for more information.
Disburse Community Scholarships
Community Scholarships checks &/or award letters can be sent to Business Office for processing:
Barton Community College
Attn: Business Office
245 NE 30 Rd
Great Bend, KS 67530
Barton County Campus Book Vouchers
Vouchers are issued to students receiving excess financial aid, 3rd party authorization, military benefits, or have signed up for the payment plan. Book charges will be included in your account balance. Visit the Purchasing Textbooks with Financial Aid webpage for more information.
Third Party Billing
Third Party billing is recognized as a form of payment to bill your employer, military, educational trust or government agency. We must receive a third party authorization form or an appropriate form from your employer or agency before classes starts.
In accordance of FERPA regulations, the Business Office is unable to discuss specific account information with anyone other than the student without the completion of a FERPA release form. The release form is found on the student’s MyBarton Portal. Log into the MyBarton Portal and click on Proxy Access on the Popular Student Links card. Under the Student tab, select Proxy Access.
Students can add an authorized user (family member, employer, etc…) who can view the online student account, make payments, and view the IRS Form 1098T on their behalf. To add an authorized user, the student will log into the MyBarton Portal > Student Financial Center – My Account. On the Summary page, there will be an option to send an Invitation to Payer. An email will be sent to the person you chose to invite with the log on information.
Tuition Tax Credit – 1098T IRS Form
The information on Form 1098T will help you determine if you or parents of a dependent student may be eligible to take the American Opportunity Credit/Hope Credit or Lifetime Credit to reduce federal income tax. Visit the Student Tax Information webpage to find out more!
Terry Barrow
Business Manager
Laura Stutzman
Accounts Receivable
Sue Ann Peter
Sheven Copp
Accounts Payable
Lisa Amerine
Collections & Process Coordinator
Brenda Brack