Thank you for your interest in assisting Barton Community College students with their transition to college and a new community. As you may have discovered, numerous opportunities are available for Barton Community College student and community member interaction.
Whether inviting a student to an occasional meal, observing a holiday together, supporting them at a sporting or cultural event or even providing a ride to town, every connection is a chance to develop a long-lasting friendship.
The student population at Barton encompasses a wide range of cultural backgrounds and a tremendous amount of diversity in our rural setting. This diversity is reflected in age (e.g., more than 50% of our student population is 20 years old or more), primary language, home state or country of origin, urban or rural backgrounds, circumstances that have bought these students to Barton. With such diversity arises opportunities for personal interaction within in our service communities that can be of a tremendous educational benefit to students, and very rewarding for community members.
The College often receives inquiries about various forms of assistance that students may need. Barton, as both a KJCCC and NJCAA member institution, follows strict guidelines related to these types of interactions relevant to student-athletes. For example, student-athletes may not receive support in cash or kind; this includes, but is not limited to loans, co-signing of loans or leases, long distance phone calls, and tickets or gifts. Other kind gestures, performed with the best of intentions, including providing free housing, access to an automobile, or trips involving excessive mileage can also violate athletic conference guidelines and may result in sanctions for the athlete, program, or the College.
The College encourages and appreciates those who wish to make a positive impact for our students during their educational experience at Barton. If you have any questions or need any guidance related to any form of assistance you wish to provide personally, or as a member of a booster/social/religious/philanthropic organization, the following individuals will be happy to assist.
Angie Maddy, Vice President of Student Services
(620) 792-9226
Trevor Rolfs, Athletic Director
(630) 793-9378