Follow the steps below to get started!
Haven't yet applied for admission to Barton?
The application process for admissions and scholarships is quick, easy and free! Don't wait, become a Cougar today!
Already applied? Enroll today!
Review the following information before following the Enrollment Instructions below.
Look Up Classes
Review Barton's courses and prerequisites for your selected term to learn more about course offerings! Some courses require prerequisites and documentation is required for all students.
Review Costs
Barton classes are affordable and accessible. Don't forget to check out Financial Aid opportunities to help you accomplish yours goals!
Submit Test Scores
Some courses may require placement test scores to determine readiness for college level coursework. Barton accepts ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, and other standardized placement scores.
Contact an Advisor
We encourage all degree seeking students to review a course schedule and degree planning progress with their advisor prior to enrollment each semester.
Ready to get started? After you've been admitted to Barton, follow the easy steps below!
1. Login to the MyBarton Portal
Visit mybarton.bartonccc.edu to login to your MyBarton Portal account.
If you have issues logging in to MyBarton Portal, please complete a Cougar Tech Support Form for assistance.
2. Go to Registration
Select the Self-Service > Student card and choose the option for Registration.
3. Add Courses
Select your courses and hit submit! See the Registering for Classes section below for more detailed instructions.
4. View Balance
To view your balance, locate the Student Financial Center card in your MyBarton Portal and click on My Account. You will see your account balance and be able to make payment from this location. Please note that students who have a past due balance from a prior semester are subject to their current session of Barton Online courses being dropped. Visit the Billing and Payment webpage for more information and payment policies.
* Attention military service members using military tuition assistance. Per DoD policy, we are directed to inform you to speak with your Education Services Counselor before enrolling in any class with Barton Community College.
Follow these steps to add your courses! Need help? Let us know and we'll be happy to guide you through the process!
- Select Register/Drop/View My Schedule
- Select Term
- Find Classes - Search using Subject, Course Number, Campus, Schedule Type,
Session, Meeting Days, Instructor, or use any Keywords in a class and Search.
Select a course and Add Class
or - Enter CRN’s option – Enter CRN and Add to Summary
- Review course information by clicking on the course title. Information on course
description, prerequisites, and fees are displayed. - Review Summary (lower right) and Submit to Register
- Review Registration Error Instructions if any (upper right)
- Click on Tuition and Fees for fee assessment
- If there is an error, it will be noted. Otherwise, your status will appear as Registered, and you are now officially enrolled!
Student Maximum Course Enrollment Guidelines
- The minimum load for full-time student status is 12 credits; however, Barton encourages students to enroll in at least 15-16 hours per semester to meet graduation requirements within two years. Degrees have varying credit hour requirements; thus, students should work closely with their advisor to identify their degree’s requirements. Full-time status for financial assistance is 12 hours per semester. A student may receive partial financial assistance for part-time status.
- Recognizing the importance of a student’s success includes academic performance, integrity practices and a robust college experience, the maximum student course enrollment is as follows:
Fall/Spring Semesters
21 credits – maximum course load; requires no permission
Summer Semester
15 credits – maximum course load; requires no permission
- Students enrolled in Barton’s Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley LSEC program are limited to three classes per cycle. There are three cycles per fall and springs terms; therefore, nine classes are allowable during the fall and an additional nine classes are available during the spring. There is only one cycle during the summer term.
- Students enrolled in accelerated programs, such as some of the workforce programs.
Appeal Process
- Students in good standing (minimum 2.5 grade point average) may appeal to take an additional six credits per semester for a total of 27 in Fall/Spring and 21 in summer. Student appeals may be submitted via an electronic form.
- Appeals must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the desired course(s) begin. Upon receipt, the request will be researched and considered with a final decision made no later than five days before the course(s) begin.
- Appeals will route to the VP’s Office; representatives will route to the applicable Dean.
High school students can get a head start on their college plans by taking classes at Barton while in high school. Students who are sophomores and above or freshmen with a gifted IEP can take college classes. Visit our High School Programs page for more information and to follow enrollment steps!