Looking for Summer Classes?
Barton County Campus - $50 per credit hour for KS high school students
Online Summer Schedules - $75 per credit hour for KS high school students
Fall 2023 Classes
With principal/counselor permission and time during the high school day, you can build any college class into your schedule. These classes give you campus experiences with traditional and non-traditional students. You will be exposed to college conversations and subject matter.
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The Barton County Campus offers a mixture of general education and career technical options. Classes have size limits, and space in the class is not guaranteed.
Enrollment for Fall 2023 begins on April 4 (returning students) and 5 (new students). Enroll early to save yourself a seat!
If you are new to Barton, you will need to allow 24 - 48 hours to be admitted before you will be able to enroll.
Great Bend High School students with the below class titles included on their high school schedules are expected to enroll in a campus offering of the class. Visit with your counselor if this is not what you had planned to do and need help making a schedule change.
Popular Campus Offerings for High School Students:
- Law Enforcement Ops & Procedures, Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:45 – 3:05, CRN: 10840
- Medical Terminology, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:45 – 3:05, CRN 10847
- Computer Concepts & Applications, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 – 9:20, CRN 10649
- General Psychology, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 – 9:20, CRN 10046
- General Psychology, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 – 3:20, CRN 10654
- Certified Nurse Aide Class Options and Enrollment Directions
Beginning with the Fall Semester 2023, Kansas high school students pay $50 per credit hour for Barton County Campus classes. Tuition and fees will be automatically adjusted.