Scale weights

Scale Technician

The Scale Technician Certificate is a 27 credit hour, one semester program for those seeking a career in the weights and measures industry. Request a Program Brochure

About the Program

  • This certificate program prepares the participant with the essential skills to enter the weights and measures industry.
  • Participants receive hands-on instruction in AC and DC circuits and gain practical experience with scales. Class A or B CDL training is included in the curriculum, aiding employability.
  • Successful completers work in an industry where there is a demand for qualified technicians to install, repair, and certify commercial and noncommercial scales. Classes of scales include:
    • Large scales. Truck, livestock, and railway scales.
    • Small and medium scales. Deli, meatpacking, floor, pawn shops, and jewelry store scales.
    • Retail scales that are found in grocery stores.  Deli scales and scanner scales (checkout scales that weigh produce and scan bar codes).
  • Salary ranges start at $35,000 annually with benefits and can exceed $50,000 in a relatively short period. The reduced duration of employee on-the-job training can provide an opportunity for accelerated salary increases.
  • Whereas a scale company may be headquartered in a larger city or town, technicians may be located elsewhere. A candidate can achieve the Scales Technician certificate, obtain a suitable job and not necessarily relocate.

Program Features

  • Strong industry partnerships make Barton’s program highly relevant and current.
  • Networking with professionals in the industry give students an up-to-date perspective.
  • Field trips will provide ample hands-on experience opportunities.

Degree Maps
Degree Maps

Scale Technician (27 hours - certificate guide)

View the full list of Curriculum Guides (applicable for students admitted prior to Fall 2024) and Degree Maps (applicable for students admitted Fall 2024 and after).

Check out the Course Search for a full listing of courses available.


Check out the course descriptions below to learn more about the scales technician program.

WGHT 1100- Scale Industry Safety
This course provides students entering the weights and measures industry as scale technicians the necessary background to follow accepted safety procedures across environments where scales are used.  Additionally it provides students the necessary information to follow health and safety procedures in settings where products for human consumption and use are produced and sold.

WGHT 1101- Scale Rule and Regulations
This course provides students entering the weights and measures industry as scale technicians the necessary background and familiarity with the appropriate reference materials for the proper installation, use, maintenance, and certification of weighing and measuring devices.  Background is also provided on weights and measures laws specific to the State of Kansas. 

WGHT 1102-Scale Principles and Technology
This course is designed to provide students with the background necessary to understand the principles behind the functioning and design of both analog and digital weighing devices across all classes of scales. 

WGHT 1103-Commercial Driver’s License B
This course provides information and techniques necessary to successfully acquire a Class B Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). The student will be taught and required to demonstrate the skills essential for proficiency while operating a commercial motor vehicle. Students will understand changing conditions, demands, traffic situations, and hazards that are essential in the professional driver’s job.

AGRI 1212-Commercial Driver’s License
This course provides information and techniques necessary to successfully acquire a Commercial Driver’s License. The student will be taught and required to demonstrate the skills essential for proficiency while operating a commercial motor vehicle. Students will understand changing conditions, demands, traffic situations, and hazards that are essential in the professional driver’s job.

MATH 1806-Technical Math
This course covers the mathematics needed by students enrolled in technical or trade programs.  The emphasis will be on application in solving problems encountered in vocational fields; the student will be exposed to a broad coverage of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and basic statistics.  The metric system and measurement techniques will also be covered.

NATG 1100-DC Circuits
The course is designed to acquaint students with the fundamentals of direct current (DC); circuits, the relationship between voltage, current, resistance, and power, the application of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws.

NATG 1105- AC Circuits
This course teaches students the fundamentals of Alternating Current (AC), including magnetism, waveforms, oscilloscopes, function generators, capacitance, inductance, reactance, impedance, resonance, power supplies, transformers, RC circuits, RL circuits, RLC circuits, and filters. 

BSTC 1036-Computer Concepts and Applications
This course is an introduction to computer concepts in which focuses on concepts including hardware, operating systems, ethics and security; and applies hands-on interaction with software applications including word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and database systems.  On completion of this course, students will understand common computer terminology, utilize featured application software, and recognize relevant ethics and security issues associated with technology.

Program Cost
Program Cost

Approximately $4200 includes tuition, course fees and books
Financial Aid Eligible